Gender is Essential

Gender is essential in the sight of God. Men and women both have different physical and emotional traits that not only set them apart in the sight of God but also in the sight of society. Together men and women can accomplish more than they can on their own.

    There have been many studies that have shown different traits that females and male have. Although these traits are not found in everyone the majority of the time they are present. In a study done on babies and children it showed some of these traits. It Showed that women are more social, communicative, cooperative, detail oriented, nurturing, have deeper relationships and can read emotions and non verbal cues better. Males have a stronger startle response, more aggressive, competitive, stronger, have a greater urge to provide and they also have a better special awareness. These traits are a result of the fact that Guys have more gray brain matter than women and that women have more white brain matter than men. 

I believe that each individual is a child of God with a divine nature and eternal destiny. Even if you struggle with seeing it at times it is so important that everyone knows their worth and who they are. Your gender is an important part of who you are and who God intended and created you to be. Many say that when you question your gender it is as if you are questioning God. It is ok to struggle and make mistakes as no one is perfect, however it is what you do when we make those mistakes that truly matters.


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